Pierre-Carly LaFaille, MBA

pierre the woman


“We will be the leading source of training for leadership and diverse concepts as the global Model of Excellence through an unyielding allegiance to transformational leadership, exemplary training and professional excellence that ensures every participant unlocks their endless potential.”


Transformational Leadership

I led a blending learning team for our region with staff members connected to these amazing principals' locations. My team successfully transformed our in-person, brick-and-mortar teaching into virtual learning with my laser-focused leadership.

Exemplary Teaching

Our region was recognized for excellence in education and relationship building. We merge leadership and relationship building. Exemplary teaching earned one of our own a finalist spot for the Teacher of the Year award. She is pictured above with our Superintendent.

radical hospitality

Endless possibilities

“Look beyond your adversities and never stop loving your life. Open the door of your mind to embrace positivity and then push forward with faith. Once there is life and the presence of God, there will always be endless possibilities.”
Edmond Mbiaka

Future astronaut
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